I thought I would share an article by Rick Spence published in the National Post today encouraging businesses to look beyond the challenges of Twitter and explore the opportunities. I like this article because it gives concrete examples of how small businesses can get in the game. Rick says:
…What can you say in such a tight space? Surely not anything of significance?
Actually you can. You can thank someone. Announce a new product or special sale. Praise a staffer. Promote a cause. Congratulate a supplier.
Restaurants can relate daily specials. Realtors can promote new listings. Service firms can dole out free advice that makes them look smart.
With Web-based social media, you don’t judge a medium by how others abuse it. The question is, can you use it to reach your target market?
We all recognize that Twitter has flaws and limitations, but it’s also a proven, effective tool to get a message out there. Thanks to Rick for showing how effective of a tool twitter can be for Small Business.