Arbaaz Ghani, BlueSky Communications

For many organizations, remote work has suddenly become the new normal as companies take commendable measures to keep their employees safe and stem the spread of COVID-19. To do our part, our team at BlueSky has been working from home since March 9th – and we can attest first-hand to the fact that it’s certainly a big transition to make. With that, we think the BlueSky team has done an incredible job adapting to this new norm.
While working from home does have a lot of perks (such as no commute or the fact that you get to hang out with your pets), it also does have some real challenges. Because there is less structure, you may actually end up working too much, focusing too hard and becoming burned out. Or you may have the opposite problem – it might be hard to focus and get as much done as you really need to do.
While there is no perfect or easy solution for all, we’ve outlined suggestions to balance your home life during such a stressful and confusing time and to maintain your work schedule.
Give yourself a dedicated workspace
Create a distinct workspace. Spaces affect your mentality and especially when working from home, it is crucial to simulate that separate office space. First, find a room with a door if you can – this helps you focus by minimizing distractions outside your new workspace. Once you have your designated room, try to place your work desk as far away from your bed as possible, and to face a window while working since getting some sunlight can also be beneficial. If you don’t have room for a proper work desk, you can get creative with a nightstand or a shelf and add a few decorations to create a nice workspace.
Sound up! Working from home is isolating, but a bit of background noise can help alleviate the feeling. Here at BlueSky we love listening to our local radio stations.

Practice time management and set a schedule
First thing to do is get a good night’s sleep. This is key to setting and sticking with a daily schedule.
It may sound silly, but as you set your schedule, it could be beneficial to pretend you are not working from home. Create a little morning ritual by making coffee and getting dressed as usual, which can help reduce disruption and create ‘a buffer time’ that mentally takes you from your home life to your work life. It is also good practice to play out for yourself what’s acceptable and what’s not acceptable during your “office hours.”
To-do lists can be very helpful while structuring your work schedule.
Set boundaries
One of the biggest struggles of working from home is avoiding distractions. The best trick can be to create rules for your workspace. Ensure that this is your time to focus by letting the people around you know that these are your work hours.
Take breaks
It’s important in any job, especially when working from home and even more so when working from home with kids, to take regular breaks. Doing so can boost productivity and reduce burnout.
Moreover, people often report that they tend to get distracted around 3 p.m. – and this afternoon slump can seem so much worse when you are working from home. The best way to channel that energy is into a productive break, which may mean doing something physical rather than doing something mental – whether it’s cleaning out your room or walking your dog.
Reward yourself
At the end of the day, you might feel like you did not get enough done. This is normal and a lot of people feel this way when they work from home. That is why the last thing – and most important thing to do is, celebrate your wins! Write them down and go over everything you did that day. These daily reminders are really good because they can create a virtuous cycle, and the next time you work from home, you might feel more focused and better about your day.
While this time can certainly feel stressful and confusing, know that you are not alone. Communicate and set expectations with your employers and colleagues, reach out (virtually) to a friend when you need to decompress, take breaks and set boundaries.
It’s small steps like these can help make your time working from home a bit easier.